Easier Said Than Done 2018

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Easier Said Than Done 2018

Jun 30, 2018 Download File

Pledges and Performance: Holding Commonwealth members to account at HRC

Since the inception of the Human Rights Council (HRC), the Easier Said Than Done​ ​(ESTD) series has reviewed Commonwealth member states’ performance at the HRC.​ ​The series provides a basis for evaluating​ ​Commonwealth countries’ engagement with​ ​the Council and considers if their voting behaviour in support of resolutions is consistent​ with their voluntary pledges and commitments to the HRC.

This edition of the ESTD report presents an analysis of the performance of seven​ ​Commonwealth member states during the 37 th regular session of the HRC: Australia,​ ​Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, South Africa and the United Kingdom. It addresses​ ​institutional and human rights concerns in the HRC and explains discrepancies in the​ ​behaviour these countries. The report highlights the disparities between human rights promises made by Commonwealth members and the extent fulfilment at the national​ ​level.

The report presents a clear picture of the activities of Commonwealth member​ ​states in the HRC and track thematic developments there, along with shifts in foreign​ ​policy approaches of member states on rights issues. It calls for greater accountability​ ​and resolve on part of Commonwealth countries to act in accordance with their pledges​ ​and commitments