CHRI's delivers Oral Statement at the 41st Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council

CHRI's delivers Oral Statement at the 41st Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council

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3 July, Geneva

CHRI made an Oral Statement at the General Debate in the UN Human Rights Council's 41st Regular Session under Agenda Item 4 on 3 July 2019. This was a general debate on human rights situations that require the Council's attention. In the statement, delivered by Ms. Aditi Patil, Research Officer with our International Advocacy and Programming (IAP) team, CHRI expressed concerns over the deterioration of human rights in Commonwealth countries, and brought to the Council’s attention the trend of legislative measures being used to suppress free expression, and clamp civic space as well as other some troubling developments.

You can read the statement or watch the video below:

CHRI is also among a group of 15 human rights organisations who delivered a joint statement on reprisals against Special Procedures (Agenda Item 5, General Debate). You can read the statement below: