A coalition with common goals may make the best government for a complex nation like India

A coalition with common goals may make the best government for a complex nation like India

Like hundreds of millions of Indians, I, too, have voted, exercising my legal, constitutional and fundamental right to pick a party and a candidate of my choice. My vote is to uphold not just these rights but assure equality, rising above class, creed and caste, respect for all, and liberty through justice, economic and social development. Individual safety and national security are issues that also rank high on my list. 

Is there a single party in the poll fray today that can ensure that these aspirations — for, more than anything else, they represent a set of hopes — are met? Having voted since 1977, I am cynical enough to believe that even if political parties implement only 5% of all their promises, especially with regard to growth, jobs and social stability, they will be able to transform large sectors of India. 

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